May 2006
Issue #3
To the Beanie Angels of America;
Yes, that is what you are now being called. Lloyd Jones who believes that is what you are has named you and I believe that the name is fitting.
Thank you for taking the time and effort to make the beanies that I have been receiving from you.Although I don’t always have the time to acknowledge all of my wonderful Beanie Angels, I do appreciate each and every one of you. Not only has this blossomed into a very busy venture, I also have my own business to run in the process. I would love to communicate with all of you on a regular basis but as you have other things in your lives that keep you busy, I too have only so many hours in a day. I am going to be updating the website soon and will be able to communicate with all of you through there. There seems to be a few bugs to iron out with the website but hopefully it will be completed soon. Be assured that all of the beanies that I receive are going to the men and women of our country and they appreciate them very much. I recently received a call from a Corporal that received a beanie last year. He had kept the message tag that we attach to each beanie for all this time. He said that he hasn’t had the time to call before this but that he had to call to thank everyone for also said that they would like to have more when they could get them. It was nice to hear from him.
The Beanie News Flash is now back! We will be keeping you up to date on events that are happening here on a monthly basis. You can also access the newsletter through the website once it is completed. We have included some photos of the pick-up on February 10th of 2006. CPL Palmer USMC picked up 4000 beanies that day. Please add the website in your favorites on your email. For those of you that have not provided me with your email, please do so if you have one. In the future we would like to be able to do all newsletters by email to keep the costs down. If you do not have an email please let us know. We would also like to thank Gretel Hines for starting the Beanie Newsflash. We hope that all is well with Gretel. Nancy Greene will now be doing secretarial work for OBFS including writing the Beanie Newsflash.
The word about OBFS has been submitted to the Oprah show. I would like to ask those of you who have a few minutes, to go to the website and submit a good word about our organization. The address is
When you get to the website, page down to upcoming shows where you will find the title “Why Oprah should visit your city or town”. There you will enter your information and then write why she should visit. You will receive an email stating that your email has been received and that they will consider your request. This would be a great promotion and a great acknowledgement for Operation Beanie and the wonderful things that we are accomplishing. For those of you that live in the California area, you can also email Fox 11 news about the OBFS. They have already been contacted and the address is as follows, The more we can get the word out through the media, the more this operation will succeed. Don’t feel that because the word has already been put out there that yours will not matter. There is power in numbers!
For those of you that have leftover yarn or just extra yarn that you won’t be using, we would gladly accept it for donations. Please box it up and either drop it off at California Yarns or ship it to the address shown at the top of this letter. Again, I would like to thank everyone for all the hard work an effort put forth in this endeavor. It has bloomed into something much bigger than I could have imagined. Please keep up the great job that you are all doing and I look forward to receiving more beanies from you.
(Founder of OBFS/2004) |